Even if you do not know the word phubbing, you certainly have come across this…
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Stock images. videos, audio files and more
Are you working on projects especially as a freelancer and need some media content for…
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Useful tools for design
The Internet is full of various highly useful tools which can be particularly handy to…
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New Apple algorithms to protect children from violent treating
Modern algorithms based on machine learning techniques have been already used for detecting various criminal…
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Amazing things neural networks can do today
Neural networks is one of the most prominent fields of artificial intelligence which was already…
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Avoid these programmes for increasing the productivity of your Android device
The entire category of programmes is dedicated to make your operating system more robust. You…
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Helpful browser extensions for learning foreign languages
Unfortunately, many of us do not have enough time for learning a foreign language of…
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The best password managers
Everyone knows that a password to any account has to be rather complex if you…
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